Ethics Committees
The following ethics committees have been involved in approving and overseeing the ongoing conduct of the ARDAC study
The Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council (AH&MRC)
The University of Sydney Human Ethics Council (USYD)
The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Human Ethics Council (SCHN)
The Department of Education & Training (DET)
Overarching Governance Structure of the ARDAC Kidney Health Study

ARDAC Epi - ARDAC epidemiology is the central component which continues study participant follow up and data linkage until December 2020.
ARDAC Act - ARDAC action model for the translation of locally applicable data into action – programs and activities to prevent and/or halt chronic disease. This will continue until December 2023.

ARDAC-ACT Collaboration model: develop, implement and evaluate Aboriginal community-derived strategies to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) Communities. The process aligns with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) 10 key principles for Aboriginal health research.